This year may have proved to be the worst in the lives of many but for me it was rather good.
The lockdown early in the year didn't prove too much of a hinderance to me. Yes, I couldn't go to Switzerland, but the fact that I lived with my father meant that gaming went on as usual, and even increased. The extra time at home allowed me to clean up the pile of shame: I finished all napoleonics and 40k models and even added some nice imperial knights to round up the household.
In the second part of the year I got a new job and moved out of my dad's house to a better standard of living. This improved my drive to do wargaming stuff, with the scratchbuilt gunboat being the first of such since 2015! The extra income also allowed me to purchase more models, like the star wars fleets plus a marine librarian on the way. Of course I won't buy more until these are painted, right?
On completed projects 2020 saw two new armies in the shape of 1808- napoleonics and spanish, two new BFG fleets and the final scions of House Cervaria. Gaming went pretty much as last year, with plenty of titanicus games (Forgeworld just can't stop releasing suplements), and less historicals or napoleonics, my father only really liked the ACW skirmishes so you'll see some next year.
This year also marks my first steps in the Star Wars universe, beginning with a republic fleet. In 2021 I'd like to get into star wars legion, particularly by getting the Clone Wars starter set. Games planned are BFG, 1809 napoleonics, trenton campaign, ACW, necromunda and of course more Titanicus.
So without further ado let me wish you a happier new year!
Top 10 of the year
1: Nighthaunts form mortal realms
These spooky boys proved to be top dog again in the blog. An identic post got the most likes several years ago, so I guess people must dig the ghostly look
These badly glazed french are number 2, despite an acceptable paintjob they were ruined by vallejo ink