Tuesday, 25 March 2025

The island of sacrifices

After some years without playing Mordheim we've retaken the setting with a jungle encounter between amazons and lizardmen 
Amongst a thick fog that hid the combatants from view both sides moved forwards through the jungle

Hugging cover the amazons let go volley after volley at the skinks, falling some of them to the arrows of the brave piranha warriors
Meanwhile the shield maidens had crept forwards, hiding themselves behind some ruins
Even the jungle took its cut, carnivorous plants and plenty of critters pestering both warbands
With the right flank under control priestess Chel orderd the advance
Felling a skink brave with her solar staff
The small lizardmen were no amtch for the athletic women, who slaughtered them without pity

Abeit some of them fell too

The ruins echoes witth he sound of battle as the lizardmen charged into the fray
Poisonous mushrooms and native traps appearing amongst the undergrowth

One amazon was even killed by a giant worm that sprang from a bush and latched on her throat

With only the skink priest remaining on the right the amazons tried to kill him
But the veteran lizard evaded their blows and even brought down one of the tattooed girls
And then out of the jungle a carnivorous plant engulfed priestess Chel bringing the amazons under their morale threshold
With nothing to lose the muscular women then charged across the field seeking to wipe out the enemy, who thanks to its cold blood was passing all morale checks

But alas, having failed their third roll the slithering tribe retreated from the field


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