Saturday 29 October 2022

Tunisia: Hill 609


The final battle of our minicapaign takes place just outside of Tunisia, in a lone hill that guards the route to the capital. After beating the Axis in Kasserine the americans launch an all out attack 
Just a small garrison of germans faces the might of the USA
But soon the reinforcements of the Wehrmacht come into the field
The americans make a pincer attack on the hill while the germans shoot in all directions
First to fall is the fascist air spotter
Followed by the machine gun team in the hill

Some GIS charge valiantly the hill
But surprisingly are killed to a man despite outnumbering the garrison
A second wave of americans however wipes out the nazi soldiers and seizes the objective

The superior training and numbers of the USA forces win the day for the allies
A last ditch attempt to retake the hill is beaten back
And finally the last germans are wiped out and Africa is liberated

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