Tuesday 10 July 2018

Kislev Cup 2018: a heart stopping game

 Welcome dear spectators to another round of everyone's favourite sport, that's right folks it's time for moooore Blood Bowl!
 Today's match sees the lizardmen of pinxapinyes face their old rivals of pouferradina, these two teams have a story of tying up all their games, l'et's see if the story repeats itself today
 Pouferradina recieves and the ball lands in their field
 The human team makes an opening by the left
 Sneaking a blitzer into the opposing half
 Uf that must've hurt!
 A skink moves to intercept
 The ballcarrier moves to pass, the ball cuts trough the sky
 And slips trough the catcher's hands
 A shameful display! and now pinxapinyes have the ball
 The player moves to the center, managing an incredible pass
 That is caugh by a saurus, a remarkable feat
 His luck couldn't last, the player slips and falls to the ground
 The human's aren't much more nimble see how he stumbles!
 Pouferradina has got the ball and is back on the offence
 A healthy knuckle sandwitch and the ballcarrier is down
 The ball bounces across the field, only to be grabbed by a catcher
 Who swiftly races through the field
 And scores! TOOOUCHDOWN!
 The teams are back on the middleline for the kick, with half the first time remaining, the lizardmen have a good chance to score
 A cage is formed on the right

 A blitzer tries to dodge the onrushing cage but falls embarassingly to the ground
 The cage is running for it!
 The bash goes on in the center but it's all redundant
 A human catcher is going after the ballcarrier, the whole stadium is holding its breath
 The skink evades his pursuers and races for the endline
 SCOOORE! The match is now 1-1
 The last minutes of the first half are ticking by
 Both teams use the scant time to fall upon the weakest opposing players
 After a short break the second half is about to begin
 The lizards have got the ball and advance by the left
 Pouferradina forms a catenaccio before the cage
 The cage is broken

The ballcarrier escapes with the ball trough a gap in the center, backed by the team's muscle 
 The opposition races to block the center and the ball moves furter right
 The humans launch an attack across all the line
 Hah never go against a saurus in a fistfight, that's my motto!
 The skinks are trough and closer to the touchdown line than ever

 A lone blitzer has dodged his pursuers and attacks the ballcarrier
 He is just pushing him back, the lizards are too agile, they're gonna score

 The skink dodges nimbly and scores, 2-1 to pinxcapinyes
 The teams are back on track, with more than enough time remaining of this second half the humans have a chance to score
 The humans have caught the ball and the game is on
 An opening has been made in the left and the players are pouring trough
 A quick pass and the ball lands snugly on a catcher's glove
 A blitzer is trying to sneak past two sauruses, they turn back and give him a good hiding, really? that only works for those sneaky goblins
 Timber, timber! the human linemen are falling like logs, hopefully their so called "sacrifice" will give time for the rest of the team to score
 The skinks sure ere quick to react for all their cold blood, at  a moment's notice a scaly wall stands in front of the carrier
 two on one, that's the only way to take those saurus brutes on
 More and more teammates come to the aid of the catcher, pushing ahead inch by inch
 A saurus tries to join the bash but falls on his a**!
 That's it the opening move! The second catcher dodges to the right
 Leaves behind the dumbfouded skinks and races to the line
 He's all alone, give him the ball and they even the score
 The ballcarrier circles around the barrier, makes a quick pass aand...

That balances the score 2-2 and with no more time remaining the ref blews the wistle and the game comes to and end. What a rollercoaster of emotions this game has been: changes of possession, overwhelming violence, gut wrenching passes, slippery dodges and fast paced action all along.
Seriously I'm gonna go have my pressure checked!

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