Saturday 15 May 2021

Return to Itopanch

Laying off the eastern coast of Lustria, the Itopanch archipelago holds many misteries and riches, it is even rumoured that a hidden Slann Temple City waits in the depths for daring explorers to enter its abandoned halls and steal the timeless treasures held within. However be warned, for like the rest of the continent the place is infested by lethal beasts, hazardous areas and the infernal heat of the southlands. The first place that any traveller will visit when he reaches the islands is the ancient norse city of Trondheim. Albeit the city is free from lizardmen attacks since it was cleansed some years ago, the place is far from safe, as it is a hideout for the worst kind of cutthorats and pirates.
Lorenzo Marino, a cartographer's view of the Southlands.
It was many weeks since we sailed from Emskrank in search for gold to fill the Church's coffers, these southern lands are a true hell on earth, filled with unbelievers, scum and pagan lizards that sacrifice the unawary to their undeniabily demonic gods
Our ship first anchored in the colonial port of Trondheim, a nest of scum and villany if there was ever one, and soon we were challenged by a ragtag group of scum that dared demand a contribution from us to use the docks. Promtly I set the hounds of war into them, while me and my hunters took aim with our crossbows at the rabble.
The orange dyed maniacs were too drunk to stand, and our faithful beasts took good care of them
Young master Gunther distinguished himself, taking down several dwarfs with impeccable accuracy
While these drunkards wandered aimlessly our warhounds pounced on them taking bite after bite from their stunted hides
Albeit these trash are hardly worthy of our blades, I led my zealots in a charge to finish them off 
Desperately some of them fired their flintlocks in our direction, but their shots only felled some dogs
The leader of the scum was surrounded, and I piled in with the Malleus Maleficorum to deliver first hand the wrath of our lord Sigmar
In the left the last dwarfs were slaughtered by volleys of quarrels
The sad spectacle of their unjoust attack was coming to an inevitable end 
And with the demise of their leader the pirates fled, leaving the docks in the hands of the Templars of Sigmar. If all these islands have to offer is such harmless rabble, I have no doubt that we will return to the Empire far richer than when we left its cold and rocky shores.

Heinrich Kramer, Witchslayer Colonel