Tuesday 29 March 2022

The warmaster's last breath


Demoralized by the constant string of defeats, the forces of chaos launch a last attack on the vital forgeworld of Deimos, trying to destroy it with cyclonic torpedoes in a last act of spite before accepting defeat and retreating back to the Eye of Terror
Luckily for the Mechanicus, Helbrecht has just arrived from Voga Torc at the helm of the Crusader
As the heretic vessels move towards their target, more and more templar vessels exit the warp launching a desperate counterattack on them
While the heretic admiral rubs his hands malevolently, the chaos cruisers make full speed towards the forgeworld
The thunderhawks make short work of the chaos craft and keep going towards the ships of the line
The cruiser carrying the cyclonic torpedoes is disabled
While the World Eaters strike cruiser is burnt to a crisp by the surging templars
The Crusader turns ponderously, opening up with her massive batteries

All the marine fleet has arrived by now, and the small strike vessels move behind the chaos fleet
One of the devastations is blown up by the Gloriana
Wrecking all the vessels around her
The last vessel carrying torpedoes, a Repulsive grand cruiser, makes a rush for the planet
But soon a veritable tide of Black Templars sweep her decks
Leaving her defenceless before the inevitable imperial onslaught, that destroys the chaos flagship putting an end to the battle
And just like that the campaign is over, time for some Napoleonics now

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