Monday 11 July 2022

Wastelaland Crusade: the rad road


In the name of the Inmortal God Emperor I retake the tale of Klovis' glorious crusade to rid the Slag Coast of heretics and deviants. While my mentor meditated on the misteries of the faith it fell to me to shoulder the burden of our righteous faith, and aboard the Pulpitek I took the flaming sword of the Redemption on the chaos filth that was encroaching on the Skinflake Stretch.
A terrible storm was brewing in the horizon, but trusting in the Master of Mankind we entered the dust clouds eager to punish the mutant rabble for their countless sins 
The donations of the faithful an the patronage of house Ulanti had provided the church with some material means, that the Redeemer used to purchase the fickle loyalty of the bounty hunter known as Alpha, a valuable asset of the crusade that had helped us in many a battle
We caught the heretics on a ramshackle settlement, and we sprang quickly into action to defend the Emperor's flock from the corrupting touch of the miscreants
Alas despite all her skills our sellsword was felled by a gout of corrupt flame, lacking in faith she was engulfed by the fire and rolled in the ground far from the gaze of Our Lord
And lo behold, the faithful stepped forwards and returned the favour on the mutant degenerates, bathing them in the flames of faith for their effrontery
By then I had driven skillfully the Pulpitek trough several toxic pools (as my beloved Redeemer had taught me) and we unleashed the full fury of the redemption on the chaos scum that cowered behind some rocks in their cowardice and terror
Lady Adriana and her bodyguard took the chance to disembark and take out some cultist with precise shots of their neddle pistols, aide no doubt by the beneficent hand of the Emperor
Alpha was still rolling in the ground trying to douse the flames that surrounded her, truly feeble is the endurance of the faithless!
Having disposed of the heretics in front of us I turned our holy purging machine  to the left and the brethren rained fire on the mutant rabble, sending many to an afterlife of well deserved torment
The Ulanti ladies sweeped the last resistanc eon the rocky outcrop
Our forces in the shantytown ere suffering the concetrated attack of the heretical filth, but with a prayer on their lips they spent their last breath to throw themselves at the foe in a blaze of glory
Full of righteous vengeance we advanced into the town, blasting left and right with heavy stubbers, shotguns and autoguns, sending the sinner mob running for cover
I crashed the Pulpitek into a gap on their defences while the templars of the crusade unloaded their exterminators into the corrupt bodies of the apostate trash
It was then than in a last, futile attempt at reversing their inevitable fate a tainted matriarch of house Ko'Iron charged brother Kiodrus, that by the grace of the Emperor was spared from all, harm, praise be!
The Faceless was quick to answer to such challenge, and raising high a chainsword blazing with the divine fire of the master of Mankind brought the heretical viper low
With her fall the heretics lost hear and routed from the field
And so the day wa won for the redemption and our most Holy Lord in Terra. 
¡Glory be!

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