Thursday 12 November 2020

Gothic War: Schildlegheist


When the traitorous ships finally arrived, they were outnumbered and caught by surprise, leaving them little choice but to die fighting. For three days the two mighty fleets battled, inflicting horrendous casualties on both sides. But for all their ferocity, the Chaos ships simply could not match the forces arrayed against them.
Final battle of the war at the Schildlegheist system. The imperial Navy advances by the right, massing all firepower against two cruisers. Imperials must destroy the blackstone and get more points to win
Concentrated fire leaves the two heretic vessels gutted
The relatively unscathed chaos right trades fire with Black Templar strike cruisers, while the blackstone blasts away with her warp cannons
The renegade strike cruiser is destroyed by the Hammer of Purity
Now all imperial vessels go after the blackstone, but another warp ray blows up the Solar Macharius
Starships die on both sides, as a devastation cruiser burns to a crisp
Nova cannon shots, close range bombardment and broadsides from the Bloodhawk cripple the fortress
The Hammer of Purity dispatches yet another heretic with her macrocannons
Chaos dreadclaws assault in repeated waves the marine vessels, but the zealous Templars crush most of the hit and run attacks
Finally, much like in the rulebook, marine boarding parties seize control of the blackstone, which then shatters along with the remaining 3 battlestations left in imperial hands


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