Tuesday 22 October 2024

The waste zones


Second game of the campaign and it's time for some goliath on escher action. Run of the mill gang fight with the players deployed one in front of the other
The eschers got quickly into firing postion, and started shooting down one muscled brute after the other with lasrifles and autoguns
While sending a flanking force on the left made up of the best melee fighters of the gang
Arned with mostly pistosla dn shotgund the goliaths could do little but cower behind the pipes
While the escher fire cut down any man caught in the open
One of the knuckleheads managed a kill
But the losses mounted anyhow
Bringing the goliaths over the morale edge
Having scored such brilliant victory, the Aphrodities bagged a new territory, and spent the cash in a machinegun and another ganger armed with bolter and laspistol

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