Sunday 5 September 2021

The cleansing of Port Blackwater

In the name of the God Emperor I write now of the deeds of the Redeemer, lighthouse of purity and scrouge of the deviant and the blasphemous heretic.

He it was who from the Great Ash Road led us, to bring the blessed word of Redemption unto the sinful inhabitants of Blackwater Island

In his divine wisdom blessed Klovis had deemed the corrupt guildsmen in charge of Port Blackwater to be sinners of the first order, and thus overdue for a purging. He unleashed his wrath upon the unbelievers, bringing battle to the escher witches that were guarding the cowardly heretics.
And lo behold! From the heights of the Spire the nobles of house Ko Iron lent their forces, their holy warriors to the struggle, proving once again that the Redemption is the only true way
As the ranks of the faitful stormed forwards some were injuried by those miscreant mercenaries, but faith and fire prevailed, and their bounty hunter was soon scrouged by an exterminator shot
Despite the hail of fire falling all around them the templars of the Blackwater Crusade advanced, undaunted by the certainty of death and confident in the inevitability of the Redeemer's victory!
Shots and gouts of flame spread from our ranks, giving the heretics a measure of punishment for their innumerable sins (wich I shall not mention lest they sully these holy pages)
Then oh mournful moment! The Redeemer was struck by a treacherous shot from the foe. As ever the Emperor was watching upon His favoured paladin and the fire didn't burn him, a holy miracle!
The zealots of Ko Iron also joined the fray, engulfing the decadent vixens in flaming tongues 
Our advance was unstoppable, the Faceless bringing two harridans low with his chainaxe-exterminator
From the safety of a plasma generator the noble lady Illaria shot relentlessly, bringing down foe after foe with accurate shots from her mastercrafted weapon
Unfazed by the attack on his sacred person, the Redeemer stood up and charged the foe, scrouging and purging them with the Sword of Persecution
First an escher and then a repulsive mutant fell by his hand. Truly is he a prangon of crusaders and an examplar to all the faithful!
The slavers from the guild had thrown their lot with the forces of evil, but that didn't save the entitled scum, that were duly cleansed at the point of a flamer
Oh blessed day! Even when slaughtered did our warriors kill the enemy, dragging out the fight long enough to strike the enemy one last time with the fury of the Master of Mankind himself
Brave brother Caspar was wounded in this last moments of battle but in vain, the day had been won by Klovis and we rejoiced as the narcotic vixens slunk back to their infect hideouts
As fire burned down the last of their number our voices rose in joy and praise:

Three glory be's for the Redeemer!

With the Praesidium of Port Blackwater on our hands all the island saw the inevitability of the church's victory, and more warriors joined our ranks together with an ex escher doctor eager for payback and redemption from the sins of her past life.

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