Sunday, 23 March 2025

Luhor Huss the prophet of Sigmar


An orphan from a beastmen attack in the Reikland, the youth that would be later know as Luthor Huss found refuge in a sigmarite monastery and grew to become a hardy and fanatical warrior of the faith. Blooded in the defenece of the village of Weislund where he pursued the beastmen in to the Drakwald and killed their shaman leader, the young priest rose through the ranks and confront the corrupt clergy of Altdorf during a conclave, a disagreement that saw him expelled from the church and turned him into a vengeful zealot that has become the terror of both corrupt clerics and enemies of the Empire alike.
Being an awesome model in itself I kept the conversion to a minimum, adding just some purity seals taken from the war altar of Sigmar

Friday, 21 March 2025

Volkmar the Grim


Mounted atop the Wal Altar of Sigmar, grand theogonist Volkmar brings death and fiery oratory to the enemies of The Empire.
A mobile shrine built during the reign of Magnus the Pious, the altar was anointed with his blood and that of the holiest men of the realm, acting as a beacon of power and faith for the men of the Empire
While I had the old 4th edition altar in my previous Altdord army, I like this one more just for having an actual griffon on top and not that weird winged lion thing

Armed with the Staff of Command and protected by the regenerating power of the Jade Griffon, Volkmar cuts an imposing figure on top of the altar. From where he can unleash the power of Sigmar in the shape of war prayers and bursts of searing light
The carriage is quite detailed too, with plenty of devotional iconography and shelves full of sacred texts and bottles of holy water

Saturday, 8 March 2025

Cyberpunk minis

Painted several cyberpunk characters for the first game of 2025
First a colorful girl that while played as a waitress can also be any kind of civilian

Then a cybered up thai technician to replace the japanese netrunner sadly killed during the last campaign's finale

 And lastly a shady looking guy who might work or not for a rival corporation

Friday, 7 March 2025

Demigryph knights


One of the units that I always wanted to have for my Empire army as kid were the demigryph knights. I thoght that the models looked pretty cool and the rules were solid, and now thanks to adult money I managed to get six of them 
For painting I went with the Knights Griffon,  a templar order dedicated to the protection of the temples and priests of Sigmar that happens to have its base in Altdorf, where it guards the great cathedral with a regiment of demigryph riders
The scheme its taken from the excellent uniforms&heraldry of the Empire book

I read somewhere that demigryphs roam around the Reikwald in prides like lions, so I added a cute demi baby to the standard bearer base 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

The battle of Varenka Hills

For the last game of the campaign I wanted something special, so I gathered four players for a big 3.000 points doubles game in the Varenka Hills north of Barak Varr; the winners of which would get to grab an extra territory before the war for the Border Princes came to an end
Karaz a Karak and empire were facing an antinatural alliance between elves and slayers in a battle for the control of some ruins in the middle of the battlefield. Rushing both dwarves to the objective thanks to several runes and special rules
The enemy left flank was composed mostly of elves
Holding the slayers the right
First blood went to the Empire when a cannonball killed a doomseeker
Then Asarnil came out from behind the woods, ordering his dragon to breathe fire on the artillerymen
It was now the second turn and everyone was charging the foe
A unit of Reiksguard running down some poor shadow warriors who had advanced too much
And the formidable brotherhood of Grimnir cutting dwarf warriors to ribbons
having annihilated the foe my knights them smashed into the dragon princes and received a flank charge from some lancers, but well protected by plate armour they slaughtered the arrogant elf nobles and sent both units packing
In the center meanwhile the dwarfs were keeping a tense standoff on top of the ruins, while greatswords and spearmen got into combat
The brotherhood meanwhile had been slowed down by the dwarf warriors, who redirected them away from the ruins with a smart use of rallying and pinpoint attacks that killed the enemy general
In an ill conceived move that won us the battle the slayers pursued out of the board, leaving the ruins unprotected and themselves exposed to artillery fire
The Reiksguard meanwhile had a field day killing elves
While the spearmen were surrounded and slaughtered by the Carroburg greatswords
Even Asarnil fell after enduring miraculously a turn of fire unscathed, killed at last by a dwarf cannons and the imperial helblaster gun
Some losses were suffered however, such as this regiment of spearmen that fled
But on the far left a humble unit of halberdiers was holding the elite phoenix guard 
Time was running out for the slayers, and they launched a series of charges that saw them shot down by the disciplined imperial troops

At last the hammerers charged, slaughtering the pitiful band of slayers that was contesting the ruins
It was all over for elves and slayers, who lost the goblin hewer to a single round of artillery fire
And the brotherhood to hellbalster and organ gun

And so the day ended in a victory for dwarves and men, who held the ruins with two units
After the battle Barak Barr and Matorea were liberated, ending the Empire as the overall winner of the campaign with nine territories