Monday 28 October 2024

Sump sea spider hunt


Call me Dolan. Some years ago, never mind how long precisely, having little or no money on my purse, and nothing of particular to interest me uphive, I thought I would join the Redemption and see the hive world. Long and fraught with peril were my travels with the blessed Klovis, but nothing could prepare me for the horrors we would witness in the lightless deeps of the sump sea...
After a string of victories in Sump City, the crusade was enlisted by a local spider hunter company to sail the scum sea in search for spider eyes, priceless jewels valued by the nobles of the spire
Gangs from all over the town joined the venture, and loath to leave such riches in the hands of sinners and deviants, the Redeemer joined the hunt with a small crew
I was elated to be chosen as one of his picked paladins for the fight against such abominations, and after some days of sailing we spotted the first swarm, attacking the beasts from all directions
Spider after spider fell to our harpoons and guns
Klovis himself battling one hand to hand with the sword of judgement

It seemed that the hunt would be easy, but then from the noisome depths of the sump a horrifying creature emerged in answer to the cries of pain from her brood. it was without doubt the biggest spider I had ever seen, white as death, with fangs dripping venom and encrusted with the harpoons of the ill fated crews it had destroyed on its long and unnatural life
Recognising it as the monster that had sunk the legendary captain Vangoltha and his ship the Hydra, Klovis steered clear, putting some distance between us and the beast
Who lost no time in devouring the crew from one of the boats
The third boat of our party moved to attack, launching a harpoon against the beast while a mutant opened fire with an overcharged plasma gun
As we sailed past the dreadful scene, the crusaders opened fire on the monster, but our bullets just rebounded from her armoured side

leaving the last goliath for dead, the monster noted our presence and scuttled over the scummy waters towards our boat. Foul was the stench of the beast, and despite our valiant efforts we couldn't help brother Kiodrus from being swept overboard and cast into the sump

Without a moment to lose, deacon Malakev steered us clear from its vicious grip, and our boat sped away as I set the beast on fire with my blessed flamer while more harpoons smashed into its mutant bulk
Reeling from our onslaught, the spider turned to the last goliath, who disappeared between her jaws
Klovis saw in our plight an opportunity however, and he had us sail behind the mutant's barge, who paid for the sin of existing by fire and sword, leaving them as easy pikings for the hulking behemoth
Who despite all was kept at bay by a four armed monstrosity in the prow of the barge
But thanks to the Emperor the beast had been fatally weakened, and with a last spray of my flamethrower I sent her screaming down into the deeps, hopefully never to emerge to terrorize the good folk of Sump City again...

Tuesday 22 October 2024

The waste zones


Second game of the campaign and it's time for some goliath on escher action. Run of the mill gang fight with the players deployed one in front of the other
The eschers got quickly into firing postion, and started shooting down one muscled brute after the other with lasrifles and autoguns
While sending a flanking force on the left made up of the best melee fighters of the gang
Arned with mostly pistosla dn shotgund the goliaths could do little but cower behind the pipes
While the escher fire cut down any man caught in the open
One of the knuckleheads managed a kill
But the losses mounted anyhow
Bringing the goliaths over the morale edge
Having scored such brilliant victory, the Aphrodities bagged a new territory, and spent the cash in a machinegun and another ganger armed with bolter and laspistol

Monday 21 October 2024

Warhammer: the old world

Played a pair of the Old World games in the local gamestore with my Altdorf army, the first against an empire force from Talabheim.
We deployed around a forest with hills on the backlines. The scenario called for some of our units to be in reserves, so in the first turn we just traded shots along the board
He tried to outflank me with the outriders, but I charged with a captain and wiped them out

In the last turn both our reinforcements arrived, but we had run out of time and we called it with a tie.
The second game was a more classic matchup of empire vs orcs, where I got the first turn and started blasting away

In the left a wizard on pegasus started throwing fireballs and vortices at the greenskins
While in the center the orc warboss was blown to bits by the artillery
My general also took care of the giant
Not all went to plan however, and the knights were eaten up by some squigs
But it was too late for the orcs, who had been massacred by the imperial forces

Thursday 17 October 2024

The sump crusade

With the boys I've started a Necromunda campaign set on Sump City: a den of scum and villany rising from the toxic wastes beneath Hive Primus
In the first game, my redemptionists were ambushed by the brutish goliaths, but wisely I deployed my half of the terrain in the center to form a bulwark against the heretic hordes
Seizing the first turn I placed most of the gang on suppressive fire, while from the top of a furnace two crusaders shot their autoguns into the goliath rabble
With no less than 9 one shot flamers on board, I started to barbecue gym bros left and right, punishing them for their unnameable sins with the holy flame of the Redemption
Some desultory fire came my way from their shotguns and pistols
But in a flash of zeal I sent my men over the barricades to bring battle to the deviant foe
A lively shootout erupted then between the pipes and industrial machinery of Sump City, decided by the arrival of Klovis and Malakev
On the other side of the battlefield another goliath fell (literally) to the guns of the faithful, his corrupt body plumetting down from a chemical vat
By then the goliaths had passed over their morale threshold
And promplty they routed from the field leaving a territory in redemtionist hands (wich was promptly purged of sinners in the campaign phase)