Monday 7 October 2019

Inquisitor Ruiz & interrogator Navarro

 Carolus Ruiz is the Ordo Hereticus representative in the Ordos Metalica. A zealot firebrand he's the scrouge of heretics and recidivists throughout the subsector, and delights in the massive purges that burn hundreds of heretics in mountainous pires. His annual purification week is infamous all over the hiveworld of Pouia, the prision pens of Johannis are full of those he has deemed worthy of penance and even the magi of Metalica think twice before engaging in hereteknia, such is his fearsome reputation. As a puritan he has become a natural ally of inquisitors Diaz and Galan from the Ordo Malleus and uses the most intransigent branches of the eclesiarchy as his militant arm. In recent years Ruiz has become concerned with the radicalist tendencies of his colleagues Calvinus and Janiss, vowing to eradicate such a stain on the reputation of the Holy Inquisition.
 Ruiz is armed with an envenomed sword gifted to him by a local death cult, a bolter and a stub gun

 Navarro is the interrogator and heir-apparent to Ruiz. Far younger than his master he has become a weary pragmatist, far more inclined to compromise than the inquisitor. Often it is he who conducts negotiations with other imperial institutions due to his tactful diplomacy. He also mages the wide network of agents and spies of the ordo sown all over the subsector, compiling the most pressing cases for his lord to pursue. He's equipped with carapace armour, a chainsword and a hand flamer.

With the addition of the coin guild I've already got a sizeable warband, from left to right:
archivist, savant, inquisitor, interrogator and two hired muscle.
I'd like to add an arcoflagelllant plus some of the new sister goodies when they drop.