Monday 16 September 2024

Tilean crossbowmen


While the arquebus is the preferred weapon of the imperial state troops oftentimes the elector counts have to use other soldiers to bulk up their armies, recruiting the many mercenaries that prowl the lands in search of employment. The tilean marksmen are amongst the most reputed of these, and many times the volleys from their lethal crossbows have turned the tide and won the day for the Empire.
As befits such ad hoc formation their dress is seldom uniform, all types of clothes and headdresses allowed al long as they're in state colours
The minis themselves are a mixed bag too, with two militiamen from GW, a Gamezone conquistador and another model from an unknown manufacturer

Saturday 14 September 2024

The march to Xaultepec


With the ratmen on the back foot after their failed ambush, the forces of Altdorf kept pushing south til we reached the ruins of Xaultepec, a long abandoned temple city where we hoped to find great plunder
The ragged hosts of the ratmen stood once again before us, but lady Yennefer summoned a great storm of lightning that fried a flamethorwer and sent all the nearby foes scurrying 

Our guns then opened fire while the infantry and myself with the knights advanced, forcing the skaven to open ranks while they hunkered down behind the trees

Turning my head backwards, I saw a commotion in our lines as a swarm of local beasties attacked one of the artillery crews, the survivors running away and earning themselves a week of latrine duty 
The vile ratmen had enlisted the help of some local warrior women, but me and my reiters rode them down without breaking sweat
On the other side of the battlefield meanwhile, the Viktoria was also cutting a bloody path trough the remaining skaven, running down one of their warlocks beneath its armoured mass
While I led the advance in the center, the left flank was guarded by a harquebusier company, the soldiers taking down many a rat ogre and an enemy champion with their accurate fire

In a last ditch attempt to stop our progress, the skaven charged into lord Albrecht's regiment
But the hardy mercenaries sent them packing with help from father Johann

Dusk had started to crep over the battlefield, but with their center destroyed and their leaders killed or routed nothing could stop our entry into the temple city, which provided the expedition with treasures and artifacts beyond the hopes of any soldier of the Empire

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Corpo netrunner

Recently one of my cyberpunk players has gone up a level and gained a new employee for his corporation, he decided to go with a netrunner, so I ordered one from a local 3D printer and painted him in the golds and purples favored by his character.
I even got him an AI generated portrait

Full corpo team

Jungle swarm marker


A jungle encounter for Lustria

Saturday 7 September 2024

They came from the jungles


Things are looking up for us after the recent defeat of the vampire sorcerers to the north, and with high spirits I've led my men further south to seek battle with the vile skaven than make their lairs there. The noisome ratmen have nested in the ruins of a temple city, and I intend to take its riches for the glory of Altdorf and to reward my soldiers for their efforts.
Journal of kriegsmarshal Kaspar van Gelt
Alas, in our haste to reach the ruins we fell into an ambush prepared by the ratmen, my army was taken between two fires and the situation looked dire
The first shots began to rain on our ranks, and in the chaos of those first moments me and my men stumbled on a patch of quicksand that swallowed our mounts and almost drowned me. I could claw my way out from the pit, but most of my guards were lost in the mire, may blessed Sigmar have mercy on their souls
A nefarious flame belching contraption had roasted some spearmen from the Hoch und Burgmeister, and the survivors started to run for dear life dragging the harquebuisers with hem. Luckily father Johann managed to rally them in time, his steely faith proving once again its worth
Thank the gods the skaven were content with bombarding our lines without moving, my men were quick to react, opening fire in return while the flaming machine fell prey to the local fauna
The mortar got a bullseye on a big blob of rats
And spearheaded by the Viktoria, our counterattack began in earnest

The dastardly ratmen then deployed all their foul sorcery, electrocuting the crew of the mortar
And taking out of action lady Yennefer with a magic bolt
The local pest added to the toll, swarms of critters biting the legs of my men and dragging some to a fate too dreadful to imagine
But not even such losses could stop the valiant men of Altdorf, and the steam tank routed their wizards with a fearsome charge followed by precise shots from its volley gun
By then the attack on our front had been mostly blunted, and my attention turned to the huge rat mutants that were bearing on our rearguard
Which were routed by shot and cannonball

Without stomach for the fight, the ratmen ambushers ran for it and lost themselves in the jungle
Only one regiment of rats was left, and all the might of the expedition turned to face them

Lord Albrecht's halberdiers charged into them
But the presence of a hideous champion turned the tide, and they retreated back to our lines
However it was too little too late for the ratmen, who having lost the battle slunk back to their dens