Thursday 19 July 2018

Encounter markers

 For our campaign we might need some markers for the dangers that lurk in the forest, the rules came in a white dwarf around the publication of warhammer realms: Lustria, you could play lustrian encounters in the forests of the old world and the elfic kingdoms. There are a total of four markers from left to right: mutant hideout, beastmen totem, barrow and traps.
 The mutant hideout includes tyranid bits for extra nastiness, the tentacles are from a spore mine
 The tribal totem includes many offerings made by the beastmen from dead enemies be they imperial, orcs or rivals from the same species
 The barrow houses the body of a legendary chaos paladin, the beastmen reverently deposit the remains of vanquished enemies much like when your cat brings home dead animals
 The helmets wear the colours of my altdorfers, the poor saps never returned from the weekend trek
 Nasty critturs
The trap is just  abunch of pointy wood and metal tips

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