Thursday 12 April 2018

St Kitts 1782

St Kitts is the third battle of the minicampaign, the british fleet (right) is anchored inside a bay and the french (left) are coming from offtable to give them a bloody nose
The Pluton heads the french formation, opening fire on the hindmost brit
The target answers with her broadsides
More french concentrate on the british rear, putting the ships there in trouble
Admiral Hood then orders his center and van to turn around, rushing to the rescue of the exposed ships, since they are anchored can only move once this turn picking up speed in the next 

The bully frenchmen get some hurt too, one of the ships is even set aflame
Forming up, the french make their move
In the british rear one ship strikes under the continous hammering
Having formed up a second line the english sail down to the scrap
Heading the new line is the 98 gun HMS Prince George

The ships close in to engage at point blank range
The french fleet moves on a passing course to the enemy line, while a single ships moves around the cape to fire on the british rear

A single briton inflitrates the frog formation
While the Royal george crashes into a two decker, ravaging it with her massive firepower, when the smoke and splinters settle the french has lowered her flag
Taking her chance a brit veers to starboard and rakes an opponent

De Grasse on the Ville de Paris punishes the upstart british infiltrator
The english rear is lagging behind, acting as a kind of reserve
The two lines have now engaged, firing at close range for maximum effect
Not to be outdone, Hood's Barfleur goes straight for de Grasse, opening up at close range
In the center of the fight a french burns to a crisp
And with a loud bang blows up, spreading fire and destruction to friend and foe alike
The french center has formed a second line, intent on skirting around the bloody melee to fall upon the enemy rear

Keeping away from harm a french man o' war fires on the enemy
A wide gap has opened behind the Ville the Paris, the brits take their chance, passing behind her and raking the doomed ships as they go
Another french surrenders under massed fire
Overview of the battle after one hour of "historic" time has passed
Hot engagement in the center, with some vessels from both sides keeping their distance
The french form now a double line opening up at extreme range

A british vessels surrenders, the fire reaches below decks despite the frantic attempts of the crew
Hood orders his reserve to bust the incoming french, cutting the T of the formation
Alone amongst the british a french gives up
After being raked twice, the Ville the Paris surrenders to the boarders from HMS Barfelur
The fire reaches the powder magazine...
...and the ship goes BOOM!
Both sides take a respite from the action to witness the giant explosion; but as the smoke fades the guns roar again over the death choked waves
The annoying french near the cape is recieving a dose of her own mediciene
The two new lines engage briskly
After an hour and a quarter of actual time, the remnants of the french fleet pack up and sail away, De Grasse is invited to the british admiral's table for dinner, following up on D'Estaign's footsteps
Final outcome: eight french lost for two british, in points 33-8: another victory for the Royal Navy!
Mass media is quick to capitalize on the propagandistic highlights of the encounter


  1. Splendide, on ne s'en lasse pas!

  2. Chaque jeu c'est different bien que tous finissent ègalement
