Thursday 4 July 2024

Warp-lightning cannon


My skaven army was 100 points short of the 1500 required for our next campaign, so I scratchbuilt a cannon to give it a bit of ranged firepower. The core of this conversion is the smokestack from the haemotrope reactor, which encases a warpstone chunk made with putty sandwitched between two 35mm bases. I also ransacked by bitz box to add all kind of cables and pulleys to the contraption. 
The carriage is made with strips of balsa wood glued together, with wheels made following the same process adding some thin cardboard for the metal parts. 
I didn't want the cannon to look too clean, so I gave it a liberal wash of vallejo sepia to dirty it up a bit
The final detail was a gunner converted from one of the skaven from the Island of Blood box

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