Saturday 20 July 2024

The slayer's due


While the north of the Isthmus have been engulfed in relentless war between skaven, undead and empire, the dwarves have expanded their initial holdings into quite an empire. Eager for battle, the slayers launch an invasion into clan Mors territory, attacking the ratmen in the Obsidian Column
Both sides deployed for a pitched battle around one of the mystical temples of the slann
The dwarves got first turn, and after rushing forwards with their look Snorri trolls special rule, they began to march under heavy skaven fire
First blood however was down to the local fauna, as a vicious lashworm sprung from the temple to devour a poor clanrat
In the skaven turn, a flamethrower template landed squarely on top of a dwarf unit ravaged by ratling fire, burning a giantslayer and several of his mates to a crisp
On the other side of the battlefield meanwhile, Long Drong and his pirates squared off with a block of clanrats, trading pistol fire before the charge 
The ratmen kept finding unpleasant surprises in the undergrowth, a family of madcap mushrooms popping up in their deployment zone
At last both sides engaged in combat, the skaven charging first and doing some damage, only to see the slayers stand their ground eager to see their collective deathwish fulfilled

With typical skaven unreliability, a warlock engineer blew his hand off when a warpstone pistol exploded
And then things started to downslide for the ratmen, with a regiment of clanrats routing
And a giantslayer tanking all hits from the enemy battle standard bearer
In the center the brotherhood of Grimnir dealt quickly with the slaves and then smashed into the rat ogres, making easy work of the giant monsters thanks to their slayer rules
The skaven general was also slain by a death seeker 
Followed quickly by the ratling gun
The jungle joined in the fun too, frying the brains of five clanrats with a cloud of hallucinogen spores

Despite losing most of their comrades three slayers stood stubbornly against a horde of ratmen, who were struck again by the spores 
And began to rout from the field!
The last skaven grasp was yet another failure, the night runner emerging from their tunnel only to be shot down and broken by Makaisson's repeater handgun
And so the first battle for the Obsidian Column ended, in a veritable skaven massacre that saw the territory and its riches pass into slayer hands, who despite not achieving their doom could soothe their shame with veritable mountains of gold, becoming the richest faction of the campaign