Friday 14 June 2024

Steam Tank Viktoria


One of the fabled machines built by Leonardo the Miragliano, the Viktoria has been in the service of Altdorf for as long as anyone can remember. Based on the Imperial School of Engineering in the East End, this steam engine has become a common sight in the Empire, accompanying the troops from its native city to war, and leading them to victory after victory

For painting this behemoth the first step was drybrushing the wood with two tones of clearer brown over black, then I laid don the metals (iron followed by gold) and the rest of the base colours. Highlights and ink washes rounded up the process

The interior of the tank is also highly detailed, with steam pipes, gears and even a coal bucket!

In 6th edition you could tune up the tank with different weapons, so I converted a volley gun from the extra steam cannon and random bits and bobs

If short on points (or playing 5th edition) the turret can also be replaced by a hatch made from one of the wheel armor plates and a spare 25mm base

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