Saturday 15 April 2023

The harrowing of Ulthor


Retaking the Agripina A campaign after the easter hiatus we are back with a 40k game. After beating the chaos filth in space the Imperium invades the corrupted world of Ulthor
Seizing the first turn knights of house Cervaria and their household troops rush for the objectives, laying a curtain of fire that almost kills the enemy knight despoiler
In the chaos turn the giant engine aims all its guns into a lone armiger and blows it up
In the second turn the imperials assault the chaos lines, laying waste to both cultists and marines
Concentrated fire kills the despoiler, the final blow being delivered by a lascannon team from the household squad protecting the objective in the imperial deployment zone
Thanks to a stratagem a badly mauled armiger surges forward and kills its opponent with melta guns and a chain reaper to the face
Safely located in the imperial backfield the leman russ squadron bombards the chaos lines, killing a terminator squad and then the second armiger
A bit too late the chaos reinforcements show up on the battlefield

A chaos lord charges suicidally into the Cervaria lancer
While its terminator colleague is melted by a termal cannon
Kharn manages to come on top in his duel against the armiger, but all the khorne berzekers have been deleted by the relic gatling cannon of the crusader knight
The chaos lord is also squished
With so many losses the battle ends with a brilliant imperial victory 55 to 0
Thanks to this victory the imperials are one step closer to winning the campaign

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