After the battle of last week the dwarves had to defend the northern Badlands from the Empire, and a pitched battle was fought on the territory of the erstwhile Broken Tooth tribe.
The stunties got first turn and destroyed a cannon with the runic anvil
But on the imperial shooting phase their catapult was blown up and several more dwarves fell to handgun fire and mortar shells
Then a unit of miners erupted from the ground intent on destroying the imperial guns, whose crews fled from the charge in order to leave them stranded
Leaving the miners wide open to a steam tank charge that routed them from the field
In the left meanwhile the Reiksguard knights trampled down a small unit of dwarves
Smashing then into a big block of hammerers
On the right flank the battle went also well for the imperials, who saw off a second clan warriors unit
Having lost their impetus the knights retreated from the stubborn hammerers, but soon regrouped while the dwarves were being pummeled by imperial crossbowmen and the hellblaster gun
Having hid during most of the game, the gyrocopter came out from behind the forest to fire its steam gun, being soon destroyed by a deadeye cannon shot
With less and less dwarfs remaining the battle became a mop up operation for the imperials
With the cavalry deleting the last hammerers
And Karl Franz routing the longbeards at the head of the Carroburg Greatswords
The last straw for the dwarves was the runemaster nuking himself by overcharging the anvil, a disaster that destroyed the last hope of turning the tide for Karaz a Karak
During his campaign turn the dwarf player fortified a castle and attacked the Duchy of Ibar in Reaver's Keep castle, a siege which will be played shortly