Thursday 17 October 2024

The sump crusade

With the boys I've started a Necromunda campaign set on Sump City: a den of scum and villany rising from the toxic wastes beneath Hive Primus
In the first game, my redemptionists were ambushed by the brutish goliaths, but wisely I deployed my half of the terrain in the center to form a bulwark against the heretic hordes
Seizing the first turn I placed most of the gang on suppressive fire, while from the top of a furnace two crusaders shot their autoguns into the goliath rabble
With no less than 9 one shot flamers on board, I started to barbecue gym bros left and right, punishing them for their unnameable sins with the holy flame of the Redemption
Some desultory fire came my way from their shotguns and pistols
But in a flash of zeal I sent my men over the barricades to bring battle to the deviant foe
A lively shootout erupted then between the pipes and industrial machinery of Sump City, decided by the arrival of Klovis and Malakev
On the other side of the battlefield another goliath fell (literally) to the guns of the faithful, his corrupt body plumetting down from a chemical vat
By then the goliaths had passed over their morale threshold
And promplty they routed from the field leaving a territory in redemtionist hands (wich was promptly purged of sinners in the campaign phase)

Monday 7 October 2024

Empire campaign map


To be used with the Lustria "nodes"system"
All routes are at 2+ unless specified

Beastmen Camp DV 2
Beastmen and hordes of chaos armies receive one extra campaign point at 4+ 
1-3 play the ambush scenario with the defender as the attacker
4-6 play the meeting engagement scenario

Dwarf Hold DV4
A dwarf hold combines both the effects of a fortress and a mining village
Play the Siege scenario

Zombicide soldiers


Some zombicide models from a comission

Thursday 3 October 2024

Elector count


The Karl Franz kit came with a spare body that I used to make an elector count  armed with runefang inspired on the old metal commanders from 6th edition. In game he can be a cheaper version of the emperor mounted on warhorse or even a grand master to ride at the head of the freikorps

I took the chance to paint two more crossbowmen, bringing the regiment to 10 in Altdorf colours